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2024-25 Principal Act State-Approved Professional Learning Conference List

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TAASRO Conference 2024


June 3-7, 2024

Conference Description:

The purpose of this high-quality professional learning experience is to better equip principals and assistant principals to ensure safety by cooperatively working with law enforcement and first responders. The safety of the school environment depends on awareness, prevention, and proactive measures. The TAASRO Conference focuses on past, future, and current school safety trends, along with innovative techniques for improving school safety.

Principal Act Requirements:

In addition to attending the conference, principals and assistant principals will write a 250-word reflection that includes:

  1. How new learning from the professional learning experience will be applied to meet Professional Learning Plan (PLP) goals for growth, achievement, and/or school climate and

  2. What evidence will be included in the PLP to demonstrate application of new learning

(Note: Add reflection response to PLP in AIM TE application in the APLDS Dashboard.)

Please email reflections to Dr. Dale Stripling (dstripling@alsde.eduno later than July 31, 2024

Note: You will need to register in PowerSchool Professional Learning for all sessions that you attend. The number of clock hour credit that will be awarded is based on the length of the session (e.g., 1 hour). 


The deadline has been extended to November 1, 2024. Please register in PowerSchool Professional Learning and submit the documentation form by this date.

APLDS PowerSchool Professional Learning Number: 319571

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