Conference Description:
School leaders will:
be empowered to lead their schools/districts to raise academic expectations and achievement for ALL students through their personal and organizational commitment to excellence,
deepen their own knowledge of the critical factors necessary to cultivate a highly reliable school through an evaluation of Marzano Research’s Leading a High Reliability School, while examining personal assumptions and beliefs related to their vision for learning,
develop a foundational understanding of research based, high-leverage instructional strategies, as outlined in Marzano Research’s The New Art & Science of Teaching instructional framework.
Principal Act Requirements:
In addition to attending the conference, principals and assistant principals will write a 250-word reflection that includes:
How new learning from the professional learning experience will be applied to meet Professional Learning Plan (PLP) goals for growth, achievement, and/or school climate and
What evidence will be included in the PLP to demonstrate application of new learning
(Note: Add reflection response to PLP in AIM TE application in the APLDS Dashboard.)
Please email reflections to Tammy Dunn ( no later than July 31, 2024.
APLDS PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
The PSPL course numbers can be found in your agenda.