Frequently Asked Questions
updated December 13, 2024
General Questions
Q1: What is the School Principal Leadership and Mentoring Act?
A1: The School Principal Leadership and Mentoring Act (§§ 16-6I-1 — 16-6I-7) was signed into law in June 2023 to:
(1) create and implement the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System for public K-12 education,
(2) provide for the creation and implementation of a mentoring program for new principals and a continuing professional learning program for
principals and assistant principals, and
(3) provide annual stipends for principals and assistant principals who satisfactorily complete the requirements of the Alabama Principal
Leadership Development System.
Q2: Why focus on school leadership?
A2: School leaders are critical to student achievement and school success. They lead the work that creates the conditions for quality teaching and learning to occur in a school. For example, they determine how effective teachers are hired, developed, and retained, build a positive school climate, secure necessary resources, and ensure a safe and orderly learning environment. In a recent report synthesizing research on how principals impact students and schools, Grissom et al. (2021) stated that “principals really matter. Indeed, it is difficult to envision an investment with a higher ceiling on its potential return than a successful effort to improve principal leadership” (p. 43).
Q3: What is the goal of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) Program?
A3: The overarching goal of the APLDS program is to increase the effectiveness of school administrators resulting in improved academic outcomes for all students. The measures of success are improved principal retention, school climate, and student outcomes (e.g., achievement, growth).
Q4: What are the components of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) Program?
A4: There are several components of the program including:
(1) Alabama Standards for School Leadership,
(2) Alabama Principal Leadership Framework,
(3) APLDS Evaluation System,
(4) High-Quality Professional Learning,
(5) Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program, and
(6) Alabama Leadership Academy.
The program will also provide additional resources for schools that have difficulty in recruiting and retaining effective school administrators as well as competitive grants and/or technical assistance for local school districts to develop principal pipeline programs. (Note: Competitive grants will be pending legislative appropriations.)
Q5: What is the design and implementation timeline?
A5: The APLDS program will be developed and implemented in phases with full implementation by the 2029-30 school year. The timeline is outlined in the informational flyer titled "Principal Act Timeline".
Q6: Who is eligible to participate in the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) Program?
A6: The Principal Act and APLDS Program only apply to school principals and assistant principals.
Evaluation System Questions
Q27: How do I access the APLDS Evaluation System?
A27: The APLDS Evaluation System can be accessed through the AIM Teaching Effectiveness (TE) application. If you are unable to access the AIM TE application, please contact your local school district’s Education's Directory Editor. If the school district editor needs assistance, he/she can contact the ALSDE Service desk by emailing or by calling 334-694-4777.
Q28: What are the steps of the APLDS Evaluation System?
A28: The APLDS Evaluation includes the following steps:
Step 1. School Administrator Position: Select the school administrator position that best describes you (e.g., assistant principal).
Step 2. Professional Learning Plan (PLP): This collaboratively developed plan must include:
- at least one goal for student academic growth and/or achievement
- at least one goal for school climate
- plan for participating in high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list
Step 3. Evidence: Submit meaningful evidence that demonstrates:
- meeting and/or making progress towards meeting achievement/growth and school climate PLP goals
- application of new learning from participating in high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list
- (new principals only) completion of new principal mentoring program (e.g., Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program) materials
Step 4. Certification of Completion: The school administrator and evaluator must certify (in)completion of all Alabama Principal Leadership
Development System (APLDS) program requirements in accordance with the School Principal Leadership and Mentoring Act (§§ 16-6I).
Q29: Can I complete the APLDS Evaluation System if I am a school administrator but do not qualify for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A29: Yes. If you are a principal or assistant principal, you can still complete the APLDS Evaluation System if you are not eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE (see Q&A 13 for stipend eligibility criteria). In Step 4. Certification of Completion, please select the third option that states, "I was not eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE but successfully completed the APLDS Evaluation System."
Q30: Where can I find more information about the APLDS Evaluation System such as examples, directions, and deadlines?
A30: You can access several resources by clicking on the Evaluation System tab at the top of this website or by clicking here.
Q31: What evaluation system will district administrators use?
A31: LEADAlabama is replaced by the APLDS Evaluation System only for principals and assistant principals. District administrators will still have the option to participate in the LEADAlabama formative evaluation system or use the school district’s selected or developed system.
Stipend and Eligibility Questions
Q7: What are eligible principals and assistant principals required to do for the annual stipend?
A7: The stipend is based on successful completion of all Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program requirements. The requirements increase over time as the Principal Act and APLDS program are fully implemented and differ for principals and assistant principals to reflect the scope of responsibilities assigned to the positions. Additionally, the APLDS program includes different components to support the needs of new principals within their first and second year in the position. To further clarify requirements for the first year of implementation, see Q&A 9-12.
Q8: When do the stipends for principals and assistant principals start?
A8: Pending appropriations from the Legislature, school administrators who successfully complete all program requirements of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program for the 2024-25 school year will be able to receive the stipend approximately 6-8 weeks after all school administrators in a district have certified their program completion through the APLDS Evaluation System.
Q9: I am a principal, and my contract started BEFORE July 1, 2024. How can I successfully complete all APLDS program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend?
A9: You are considered an existing principal. To successfully complete all program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend (pending legislative appropriations), you will need to:
(1) Complete the APLDS Evaluation System (accessed through the AIM Teaching Effectiveness application) which includes the following:
Step 1. School Administrator Position
Step 2. Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
Step 3. Evidence
Step 4. Certification of Completion
(2) Complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours of high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list (as identified in the PLP)
Note: Elementary school administrators are required to complete early literacy (K-3) and early numeracy (K-5) professional learning
Q10: I am a new principal (contract STARTED July 1 - October 1, 2024), and I have never been a principal before. How can I successfully complete all APLDS program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend?
A10: You will be considered a newly employed, first-time principal for the 2024-25 school year if you begin employment on or after July 1, 2024. To successfully complete all program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend (pending legislative appropriations), you will need to:
(1) Complete the APLDS Evaluation System (accessed through the AIM Teaching Effectiveness application) which includes the following:
Step 1. School Administrator Position
Step 2. Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
Step 3. Evidence
Step 4. Certification of Completion
(2) Complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours of high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list (as identified in the PLP)
Note: Elementary school administrators are required to complete early literacy (K-3) and early numeracy (K-5) professional learning
(3) Complete Year 1 of a state-approved new principal mentoring program (e.g., Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program)
Q11: I am an assistant principal. How can I successfully complete all APLDS program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend?
A11: There is not a distinction between new or existing assistant principals in terms of APLDS program requirements. To successfully complete all program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and receive the annual stipend (pending legislative appropriations), you will need to:
(1) Complete the APLDS Evaluation System (accessed through the AIM Teaching Effectiveness application) which includes the following:
Step 1. School Administrator Position
Step 2. Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
Step 3. Evidence
Step 4. Certification of Completion
(2) Complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours of high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list (as identified in the PLP)
Note: Elementary school administrators are required to complete early literacy (K-3) and early numeracy (K-5) professional learning
Q12: How much are the annual stipends for principals and assistant principals?
A12: Pending appropriations from the Legislature, principals and assistant principals who successfully complete the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program requirements will receive the following:
Principals: up to $10,000 and up to an additional $5,000 for serving high-poverty and/or low-performing schools
Assistant Principals: up to $5,000 and up to an additional $2,500 for serving high-poverty and/or low-performing schools
(Note: The Legislature may also provide additional stipends to principals serving in high-poverty and/or low-performing schools who meet or exceed student growth goals as identified through the APLDS Evaluation System which will not be implemented until the 2027-28 school year.)
Q13: What are the stipend eligibility requirements for the base supplement and additional supplement?
A13: The ALSDE will provide an annual base supplement to a principal or assistant principal who successfully completes the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program, is employed full-time in a public PreK-12 school for the entire school year, and is properly certified by the state and provide an additional supplement to a principal and assistant principal serving in a low-performing school or high-poverty school as identified by the law.
In order to be eligible for the base supplement in the position of principal, an individual must meet ALL of the following criteria which are verified by the Superintendent and Chief School Financial Officer (CSFO):
Employed full-time as a principal in an Alabama public PreK-12 school that is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 financial reports submitted to the ALSDE.
Manages the daily operations, students, and staff at a school site.
Assigned a Principal staff position in the Education Directory application and not assigned a Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent staff position.
Holds a valid Leadership Certificate in Alabama by October 1, 2024.
Does not serve in an interim position.
Employed as a principal by October 1, 2024.
Meets the law’s definition of a principal (an individual who is certified for the position of principal, as prescribed by the board, and who is employed full-time by a local board of education as the chief school administrator of a public school).
In order to be eligible for the base supplement in the position of assistant principal, an individual must meet ALL of the following criteria which are verified by the Superintendent and Chief School Financial Officer (CSFO):
Employed full-time as an assistant principal in an Alabama public PreK-12 school that is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 financial reports submitted to the ALSDE.
Manages the daily operations, students, and staff at a school site.
Assigned an Assistant Principal staff position in the Education Directory application and not assigned a Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent staff position.
Holds a valid Leadership Certificate in Alabama by October 1, 2024.
Does not serve in an interim position.
Employed as an assistant principal by October 1, 2024.
In order to be eligible for the additional supplement, an individual must meet all of the base supplement criteria in addition to the following criteria which are verified by the Superintendent and Chief School Financial Officer (CSFO):
School site reports student enrollment
School site meets at least one of the following criteria:
1. Free and reduced federal lunch student percentage of 75% or greater.
2. Provide meals to all students through the community eligibility provision (CEP).
3. Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school.
4. Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school.
5. Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) school.
6. D or F grade as defined by the Alabama Education Report Card.
7. Full-support school (Alabama Literacy Act).
8. Limited support 1 (LS1) school (Alabama Literacy Act).
9. Full support school (Alabama Numeracy Act).
10. Limited support school (Alabama Numeracy Act).
Q14: If I am not a full-time principal or assistant principal, will I be eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A14: No, only full-time principals or assistant principals (1.0 FTE) will be eligible.
Q15: Will principals and assistant principals who are locally funded also be eligible to receive the stipend from the ALSDE?
A15: Yes.
Q16: Are interim principals and assistant principals eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A16: No, interim principals and assistant principals are not eligible.
Q17: I am a superintendent/assistant superintendent and principal. Do I qualify for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A17: No, superintendents/assistant superintendents will not be eligible.
Q18: Will a principal or assistant principal who is hired after the start of the school year be eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A18: A principal or assistant principal must be employed in the position no later than October 1, 2024 in order to be eligible this school year.
Q19: Is there an application process that principals and assistant principals will need to complete in order to be eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE?
A19: No.
Q20: How will the stipends for principals and assistant principals be allocated?
A20: Pending appropriations from the Legislature, a stipend will be allocated in full to local school districts once they certify that each principal and assistant principal has successfully completed all program requirements. Prorated or partial stipend amounts will not be allocated by the ALSDE.
Q21: Will I still receive the stipend if I successfully complete all program requirements by May 1, 2025 but retire before the start of the school next school year?
A21: Yes. Requirements of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program must be successfully completed by May 1, 2025 if a school administrator is retiring at the end of the 2024-25 school year and by June 20, 2025 if a school administrator is not retiring.
Q22. Can someone who does not serve in a position for a full year be eligible for the stipend?
A22: No, the principal or assistant principal must serve in the position for the full academic year in order to be eligible for the stipend. However, an assistant principal who moves into the principalship after October 1, 2024 will not be eligible for the principal stipend until the following year but will still be eligible for the assistant principal stipend if he/she meets all stipend eligibility criteria (see Q&A 13).
Q23: I have successfully completed all program requirements for the 2024-25 school year and served in my school administrator position for the full year. However, I will retire over the summer before the next school year. Will the 2024-25 school year stipend count toward my average final salary for retirement (average of the highest three years out of the last 10 years of contribution)?
A23: In order for the stipend to be included, it will have to be paid before the retirement date. The ALSDE will begin processing payments once program requirements are completed and certified in the APLDS Evaluation System (Step 4. Certification of Completion). It is highly recommended that the district APLDS contact person notify the ALSDE as soon as possible when certification has been completed. More information about the notification process will be forthcoming.
Q24: What schools are considered high-poverty?
A24: High-poverty schools have a free and reduced federal lunch student percentage of at least 75% or provide meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision.
Q25: What schools are considered low-performing?
A25: Low-performing schools include those that are identified as a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school, Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school, Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) school, a school with a D or F grade as defined by the Alabama Education Report Card, or a full support or limited support school as defined by the Alabama Literacy Act or the Alabama Numeracy Act.
Q26: How do principals and assistant principals know if they are eligible for the additional supplement?
A26: Someone from the local school district who serves as the contact for the Child Nutrition Program, Accountability, or Curriculum and Instruction should be able to help principals and assistant principals know if they serve a school that meets the criteria for being a high-poverty or low-performing school.
For further guidance regarding CEP questions, a district administrator can reach out to Susanne Boutwell ( and please copy Julie Autrey (
You can find the Schools Eligible for FY25 Additional Supplement List in a memo that will be released soon.
Professional Learning Questions
Q32: What is the professional learning requirement of the APLDS Program?
A32: All principals and assistant principals who are eligible for the stipend from the ALSDE must complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours each year from the state-approved list.
Q33: Where can I find the state-approved list?
A33: You can access the state-approved list by clicking on the Professional Learning tab at the top of this website or by clicking here.
Q34: What are the professional learning requirements for elementary school administrators?
A34: Principals and assistant principals who serve grades K-3 and K-5 are required to participate in early literacy and early numeracy state-approved professional learning, respectively. This counts toward the minimum 30 APLDS Clock Hour requirement. There is a section on the state-approved list to help school administrators easily locate what has been approved for this requirement.
Q35: How will my APLDS Clock Hours be awarded?
A35: All APLDS Clock Hours must be awarded through the PowerSchool Professional Learning platform under the Office of APLDS (Alabama Principal Leadership Development System). Each course in PowerSchool PL must include "APLDS" at the beginning of the title and include APLDS Clock Hours as the credit type.
Q36: How can I track my APLDS Clock Hours?
A36: To review the number of APLDS Clock Hours that have been awarded, you will need to go to your transcript in PowerSchool Professional Learning. You can access directions by clicking on the Professional Learning tab at the top of this website or by clicking here.
Q37: Who do I contact if I cannot find a course or section in PowerSchool Professional Learning from the state-approved list?
A37: Please contact the professional learning provider.
Q38: Who do I contact for more information about professional learning session details (e.g., date, time, location)?
A38: Please contact the professional learning provider.
Q39: Who do I contact if I do not see APLDS Clock Hours on my transcript in PowerSchool Professional Learning for professional learning I have already completed?
A39: Please contact the professional learning provider.
Q40: What is the timeframe to complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours?
A40: Principals and assistant principals must complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours of high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list between July 1, 2024 - June 20, 2025. However, it is strongly recommended that the professional learning experiences be completed by May 2025 so there is time to upload all evidence demonstrating the application of new learning in the evaluation system. School administrators who are retiring at the end of the 2024-25 school year must complete all program requirements and their supervisors must certify program completion through the APLDS Evaluation System no later than May 1, 2025.
Q41: What if I want to participate in high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list that is different from what I included in my PLP?
A41: The PLP will not need to be updated in the APLDS Evaluation System. If a principal or assistant principal participates in high-quality professional learning from the state-approved list that is different from what was outlined in the PLP, it will just need to be approved by the evaluator and included in the evidence step of the APLDS Evaluation System.
Q42: I am in graduate school. Will my graduate courses count as APLDS Clock Hours?
A42: Each three-hour course included on the Principal Act State-Approved Graduate Course List may be used as 30 APLDS Clock Hours if the following criteria are met:
The graduate course credit must be awarded July 1, 2024 - June 20, 2025 to count toward the 2024-25 APLDS program requirements.
Credit will only be awarded to principals and assistant principals.
The final course grade must be at least a B.
An official transcript must be submitted for verification.
Q43: What are the requirements for being on the state-approved list?
A43: In order to be included on the state-approved list, the professional learning experiences must meet all of the following criteria:
(1) Meet the law's definition of high-quality professional learning by providing comprehensive, sustained, job-embedded, and collaborative
approaches to improving the effectiveness of principals and assistant principals in elevating student achievement through professional
(2) Align with the Alabama Standards for School Leadership
(3) Align with the Alabama Standards for Professional Learning
Q44: What is the process for superintendents, district administrators, and vendors to request professional learning experiences be approved for APLDS Clock Hours?
A44: Superintendents and district administrators can complete the Principal Act State-Approved Professional Learning Request Form (click here) to request approval to be on the state-approved list for a professional learning experience that is not already approved. Approval is granted for the professional learning experience and not for a professional learning provider. The form is NOT intended for principals and assistant principals to complete. School administrator are encouraged to reach out to the district APLDS program contact for additional guidance.
Please contact Dr. Anna Shepherd-Jones at for further guidance about applying approved Alabama Council for Leadership Development Professional Learning Units (ACLD PLUs) as APLDS Clock Hours.
Q45: How will this impact my certificate in Alabama?
A45: Please contact Educator Certification at or 334-694-4557 for guidance.
Q46: The law requires at least 5 days of high-quality professional learning days from a state-approved list, and the APLDS program requires at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours. How was the required number of APLDS Clock Hours determined?
A46: A minimum of six (6) hours is required to qualify as a “day” of professional learning. Therefore, principals and assistant principals should complete at least 30 APLDS Clock Hours from the state-approved list each year.
Q47: Will days be added to my contract to reflect the professional learning requirement of the APLDS Program?
A47: No, contracts will not be affected by this program requirement. Local school districts determine contracts for school administrators.
Mentoring Program Questions
Q48: Who will participate in a state-approved new principal mentoring program?
A48: Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, all newly employed, first-time principals (employed July 1 - October 1, 2024) will be required to participate in Year 1 of a state-approved new principal mentoring program to successfully complete all program requirements of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program and receive the annual stipend (pending legislative appropriations). Newly employed, first-time principals whose contract began in June 2024 may participate in the state new principal mentoring program if requested by the superintendent and funds are available. The state mentoring program will not be available to principals whose contract began before June 2024 or to assistant principals.
Q49: How will newly employed, first-time principals have access to a state-approved new principal mentoring program?
A49: A state program has been developed and approved by the Principal Act Design Team in partnership with the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS). You can access more information about the Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program by clicking the Mentoring Program tab at the top of this website or by clicking here.
Superintendents and district administrators may request state approval for alternative options for new principal mentoring program selection and/or implementation. To request approval, the Principal Act New Principal Mentoring Program Request Form must be completed through DocuSign no later than July 31, 2024 for the 2024-25 school year.
Q50: How will newly employed, first-time principals be supported through the Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program?
A50: New principals participate in a program orientation and an in-person program meeting with mentors during the second semester of the school year (pending available funding through legislative appropriations). They are partnered with a trained mentor who will support their professional, academic, and personal development through professional learning sessions, on-site visits, and weekly check-ins (e.g., email, phone call). More information about the program structure and curriculum can be found in the Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program Manual.
Q51: How are mentors selected and trained for the Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program?
A51: A principal mentor will be selected based on his or her successful experience as a school leader and commitment to developing principal mentees in school leadership. The principal mentoring program offered through CLAS had an online application, and a committee scored applicants using a rubric. The application for the 2024-25 school year has now closed. Final mentor applicants will sign a contract with CLAS demonstrating they meet required qualifications and are willing to perform the roles and responsibilities detailed in the application. Currently employed administrators will not be eligible to serve as mentors through the principal mentoring program offered through CLAS. Mentors receive program training and materials throughout the school year. More information about the program training modules can be found in the Alabama New Principal Mentoring Program Manual.
Q52: How will mentors receive financial compensation?
A52: CLAS will manage all contracts and payments for the mentors selected through the application process.